The Shindengen Group respects international values with regard to human rights and is implementing initiatives to promote human rights, including raising awareness of social issues accompanying economic globalization and employee rights. In accordance with the Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy and Group Code of Conduct, we prioritize respect for human rights, workplace safety and employee health. We offer career planning support and training for employees while advancing measures to create safer, healthier workplaces that accommodate diverse work styles.

In line with the management philosophy of “Together with society, our customers, and our employees,” Shindengen believes that the growth of its people is a source of corporate value creation, and that bringing together diverse and autonomous talent leads to value creation and sustainable growth. Building on a base of respect for human rights, we are advancing a wide range of initiatives related to human resource development, promoting the active participation of diverse human resources, expanding diverse work styles, and promoting health and safety.


1. Respect for Human Rights

The Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy states that the Group respects international norms with regards to human rights and is actively committed to promoting human rights awareness.

2. Human Resource Development

Shindengen provides new employee training, third-year training, training for qualifications, training for specific job types, training for specific ranks, as well as elective self-taught programs in finance, marketing and other topics. Through such education as well as systems for career goal self-reporting and internal recruitment, we support career advancement for all employees. We are also working to develop human resources to lead increasingly global businesses through such efforts as foreign language training and overseas training for young employees. Furthermore, we maintain a prize-payment system for inventions, suggestions and the acquisition of public certifications in order to promote the better performance of employees in R&D activities and across various workplaces and duties.

3. Promoting the Professional Participation of Diverse Human Resources and Expanding Flexible Work Styles

a. Promoting Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Shindengen is promoting diverse work styles that enable everyone to thrive regardless of gender, increase the number of women hired and expand the areas in which female employees are active. We offer a variety of types of health management leave employees can use before and after childbirth as well as alternative working hour options for childcare and health management, and are expanding childcare and nursing care leave systems. We have set the following goals in these areas.

  • Expanding measures to get more female applicants and achieve a ratio of 30% or more of women among new hires

Fiscal 2023 result: 28.1%

  • Providing equal opportunity to female employees in a wide range of departments and job types
  • Achieving a ratio of 30% or more of men taking childcare leave and encouraging diverse work styles among men and women

Fiscal 2023 result: 73.9%

The fiscal 2023 results of our main indicators for the promotion of women’s participation and advancement in the workplace are as follows.

  • Female employee ratio (non-consolidated):


  • Female employee ratio (consolidated):


  • Female manager ratio (non-consolidated):


  • Female manager ratio (consolidated):


b. Supporting the Professional Participation of Non-Japanese Employees

As a result of the globalization of its business, the Shindengen Group has more employees overseas than in Japan. In line with the Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy, we respect different values and experiences and provide opportunities for all employees to leverage their individuality to the fullest. We believe that this will create new value systems and businesses attuned to social changes and mentally enrich employees.

c. Equal Employment: Disabilities and Ageing Employees

The Shindengen Group promotes the employment of people with disabilities and rehires workers who have retired at the mandatory retirement age of 60 for continuous employment until age 65. Furthermore, from September 2022 the Company has extended its mandatory retirement age to 65.

  • Target employment rate of persons with disabilities:


  • Fiscal 2022 result:


d. Improving Working Environments

Shindengen is implementing a wide range of measures to improve working environments, including the use of a flex time system in combination with a remote work system, a system for extended leave based on length of employment, making mandatory the use of at least five days of paid time off per year and setting an upper limit on overtime hours.

4. Promoting Health and Safety

The Group has made the promotion of health and safety activities an important issue, and is continuously improving occupational health and safety to create a work environment that is safe and healthy for its employees. Shindengen’s Asaka Office and some Group companies have acquired ISO 45001 certification, the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. We have also established an occupational health and safety policy that covers the entire Shindengen Group. In addition, we are aiming to obtain certification as a corporation with excellent Health and productivity management organization in fiscal 2025. Furthermore, the Asaka Office has received all three of the major building evaluations and certifications: the S rank of the CASBEE Building Evaluation Certification, ZEB Ready, and the S rank of CASBEE-Wellness Office, and has been recognized for its “safety, security, environment, health, and comfort.”

Promoting Health and Safety


Human Capital Management Initiatives

The Company believes that the development of human resources is the source of corporate value creation and that the fusion of diverse and autonomous knowledge and intelligence will lead to new value creation and sustainable growth. We are committed to human capital management and aim for personal growth and organizational invogoration.
Centered on respect for human rights, safety and health, the Company’s human capital management structure comprises five areas:

  • Human rights, safety and health
  • Human resource development
  • Empowerment of a diverse range of human resources
  • Expansion of flexible work styles

Under the theme of empowering connections, the structure also aims to revitalize connections, weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic and remote working, between people and departments. We will create an environment in which employees can demonstrate their individual values and develop them into the Company’s sustainable growth.

Barrier-free EV Recharging Accessibility

SDQC2F60-series EV chargers were displayed at a 2024 barrier free exhibition in Japan as wheelchair-accessible EV quick chargers, attracting much attention from the media. With a large space provided for charging operations, this product allows for safe, unhurried operation without having to worry about other EV charger users. Even when approached from the front in a wheelchair, the users’ feet did not hit the machine, and its operation panel was set at a height enabling ease of use for those in wheelchairs.

By taking in the opinions of many as we develop and release new products, we will continue to work toward the realization of a society in which people can enjoy sustainable, safe, comfortable, and enjoyable lives.

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