The Shindengen Group respects international values with regard to human rights and is implementing initiatives to promote human rights, including raising awareness of social issues accompanying economic globalization and employee rights. In accordance with the Group Code of Conduct and internal Group standards, we prioritize workplace safety, the prohibition of harassment, and employee health. We offer career planning support and training for employees while advancing measures to create safer, healthier workplaces that accommodate diverse work styles.
Donated an SDQC2F60 Quick Charger for EVs to Asaka City, Saitama

Shindengen donated an SDQC2F60 quick charger for EVs to Asaka City, Saitama. The SDQC2F60 can charge two EVs simultaneously and is constructed to be barrier-free, making it easy for users in wheelchairs to approach and maneuver around. Furthermore, in anticipation of diverse users, including diversity of age and gender, the quick charger features universal design to help prevent injury from collisions or dropped objects.
Response to the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
Shindengen values diversity and has set goals for initiatives in line with the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. We are working toward these goals to improve corporate value.
Goals for Initiatives Related to the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
- Raise the percentage of women among new graduate hires to 30%.
- Raise the percentage of eligible male employees taking childcare leave to 30%.
- Actively place female employees in a wide range of divisions and positions.
- Further promote work-life balance.
Protecting Human Rights in the Supply Chain
To fulfill its social responsibilities throughout the supply chain, Shindengen works to verify whether or not its products contain conflict minerals* and takes steps to eliminate them. In addition, we issue statements about slave labor and human trafficking based on Section 54 (1) of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act.
* Conflict minerals are ores containing gold, tantalum, tin and tungsten mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and nearby countries that fund armed groups and anti-government organizations responsible for human rights violations and environmental and other problems.
Health and Safety

Issued in 2018, ISO 45001 (Occupational health and safety management systems) has seen increasing uptake worldwide, particularly in Europe, where there is a strong focus on occupational health and safety. Shindengen (Asaka Office) and Okabe Shindengen received ISO 45001 certification in April 2022. Going forward, the Shindengen Group will work to continuously improve occupational health and safety and ensure that work environments are conducive to employee safety and health while enhancing productivity and securing business continuity.
Work Style Reform Initiatives
Shindengen issued a Work Style Reform Declaration with the intention of inspiring everyone within the group to undertake reforms themselves, maximize the use of management resources, and foster and maintain a new corporate culture that enhances performance and realizes work-life balance. We launched the initiatives from February 2021.
Work Style Reform Declaration
By creating a system for working from home and flextime, the degree of work style freedom increased in terms of location and time. Leveraging this environment, we strive to further enhance the productivity of each individual and achieve work-life balance with the aim of enhancing the quality of work and life.
Our Initiatives
- Confidently discard old work and meeting methods that have been held over from the past without thought
- Overcome the remote communication issues that became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic and further utilize the tools available
Our Goal
We declare that we will create a new corporate culture of taking on challenge after challenge with agile thinking and continue striving even if we fail.