- Management Philosophy・Mission Statement
- Basic Sustainability Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Guidelines for Action
- Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Basic Policy on Product Safety
- Procurement Policy
- Emergency Response and Business Continuity Plan-Statement of Principles
- Information Security Policy
Management Philosophy・Mission Statement
Basic Sustainability Policy
The Shindengen Group will actively promote ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) management as we pursue our corporate mission. We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and strive to enhance our corporate value from a long-term perspective.
To this end, we will:
・Contribute toward achieving the goals of “decarbonization,” “a recycle-oriented society,” and “a society in harmony with nature” in line with our Environmental Vision.
・Respect human rights and diversity and strive to improve stakeholder engagement.
・Strive to create a safe and secure workplace that is rewarding to work in through the development of human resources and improvements to the internal environment.
・Conduct management in a fair and transparent manner as we live up to the trust and expectations of a wide range of stakeholders.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Environmental Policy
Human Rights Policy
Guidelines for Action
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Our management philosophy and mission statement is "Stay with society, our customers, and our employees, we will maximize energy conversion
efficiency for the benefit of humanity and society”. In doing so, we promise to “Listen closely, look ahead, and create a future of value”.
Based on our management philosophy and corporate philosophy, Shindengen Group employees will aim both achievement of sustainable
development goals in the electronics field and occupational safety and health through business activities such as the development, design, and
manufacturing of semiconductors, power supply units, and electrical components. To that end, we will execute the following activities.
1. We adhere to legal and other relevant requirements to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.
2. We secure the discussion and participation of workers and their representatives in the operation of occupational health and safety
management systems, use risk assessments and other tools to eliminate sources of risk, and aim to eradicate and prevent occupational
accidents through efforts to reduce occupational health and safety risk.
3. We properly operate and continually improve occupational health and safety management systems and provide safe and healthy work conditions.
This policy applies to the following parts of the Shindengen Group that are working to obtain ISO 45001 certification.
・Shindengen Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. Asaka Office
・Okabe Shindengen Co., Ltd.
Other Shindengen Group companies in Japan and overseas will develop occupational safety and health activities in accordance with this policy.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Basic Policy on Product Safety
The Shindengen Group, hereinafter called our group, is dedicated to improving the quality in response to customer trust based on the Management Philosophy "Together with society, our customers, and our employees". We raise Basic Policy on Product Safety in order to commit social responsibility by providing high-safety products and maximizing the use of wisdom from all employees.
1. Legal compliance
Our company group not only complies with domestic laws and regulations related to product safety and the legal regulations of the countries/regions where we do business, but also respects international codes of conduct.
2. Build management system
Our company group, in order to improve customer satisfaction, conducts design, manufacturing, and sales in compliance with our quality standards and customer requirements for the prevention of product defects and ensuring product safety. We also establish a management system that can provide safe and high-quality products.
3. Collect, provide and deal with information of defects
When product defects occur, our group deals with the problem rapidly from customer’s perspective and provides appropriate information. Therefore, we report to the competent authorities promptly following the law and take measures to prevent the damage from expanding, such as recall the products if necessary, in conjunction with taking action to improve product safety by collecting the information of defects.
4. Warning
Our company group, in order to ensure the safe use of our products by customers, strives to provide accurate and unambiguous information to avoid accidents caused by misuse or carelessness. We also provide warnings in the instruction manuals and on the product itself.
5. Promotion of Product Safety Education
Our company group has continuously given our employees education and training regarding Product Safety.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Procurement Policy
Emergency Response and Business Continuity Plan-Statement of Principles
The Shindengen Group Emergency Response and Business Continuity Plan is designed to promote a coordinated and effective response to a natural disaster or other unforeseen event in order to minimize disruption to the operations of the Group as a whole.
1. Objectives
1) To ensure the safety of employees, customers and affiliated staff
2) To fulfill our delivery obligations to customers and enable the resumption of normal business operations as soon as practicable
3) To retain the confidence and respect of our customers and suppliers
4) To work together with and make a meaningful contribution to both the local community and wider society, particularly with regard to preventing secondary disasters
2. The Emergency Response and Business Continuity Plan will be reviewed both regularly and on an as-needed basis to ensure ongoing relevance and efficacy.
3. This Statement of Principles will be circulated widely both within and outside the Shindengen Group.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Information Security Policy
In order to ensure the trust of our customers, develop our business, and contribute to society, the Shindengen Group has established an "Information Security Policy" aimed at maintaining information security which is one of the group's most important management issues.
1.Information security management system
In order to protect and carry out appropriate management of products and information related to business activities (hereinafter collectively "Information Assets"), the Shindengen Group has established an Information Security Committee and construct and maintain systems required to quickly implement necessary measures.
2.Dissemination to officers and employees
The Shindengen Group shall promote the importance of Information Assets related to business activities to all officers and employees and continually carry out training and public awareness targeting officers and employees in order to maintain and improve information security.
3.Abidance with laws, social norms, and contracts
The Shindengen Group shall abide with all laws, social norms, and contracts related to the handling of Information Assets.
4.Handling of violations and incidents
In the event of the occurrence of any legal violations, contract violations, or incidents related to information security, the Shindengen Group shall respond promptly and appropriately, and endeavor to prevent any recurrence.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.