To increase corporate value in the medium to long term, the Shindengen Group has established a Basic Sustainability Policy, based on which it conducts its business activities.
Corporate Mission |
Maximizing energy conversion efficiency for the benefit ofhumanity and society. |
The Shindengen Group’s Basic Sustainability Policy
The Shindengen Group will actively promote ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) management as we pursue our corporate mission. We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and strive to enhance our corporate value from a long-term perspective.
To this end, we will:
・Contribute toward achieving the goals of “decarbonization,” “a recycle-oriented society,” and
“a society in harmony with nature” in line with our Environmental Vision.
・Respect human rights and diversity and strive to improve stakeholder engagement.
・Strive to create a safe and secure workplace that is rewarding to work in through the development of human resources and improvements to the internal environment.
・Conduct management in a fair and transparent manner as we live up to the trust and
expectations of a wide range of stakeholders.
Governance and Risk Management Concerning Sustainability as a Whole
Concerning material issues in the environment and society that we contribute to through our business activities, we conduct risk and opportunity analysis within the ESG framework and have identified four issues as ESG Material Issues: “Providing value through environmentally friendly products,” “Harmony between the environment and our business activities,” “Creating diverse and fulfilling workplaces,” and “Strengthening fair and highly transparent business foundations.” By implementing these ESG Material Issues in tandem with our Medium Term Business Plan, we will contribute to solving social and environmental issues and create sustainable corporate value. To implement these, we have established a Sustainability Committee chaired by the President, and organized related committees under this committee so that issues concerning sustainability can be managed in an integrated way. Moreover under the “Disaster Prevention and Business Continuity Policy,” the BCM (Business Continuity Management) Committee has established a system enabling rapid initial response by consolidating the functions of gathering and disseminating risk information from each Group company in Japan and overseas. Additionally, in order to pursue initiatives accurately in line with the Basic Sustainability Policy, we formulate and assess targets centered on the implementation of ESG Material Issues, and we reflect verifications, assessments and overall results of the degree of achievement in the following fiscal year’s indicators.
Sustainability Promotion System
The Sustainability Committee monitors the status of sustainability-related initiatives such as key performance indicators (KPIs) for ESG Material Issues.
Refer to the following web page for information on ESG-related KPIs.
Since FY 2023, the Sustainability Committee has been bolstering its initiatives for ESG management and SDGs by monitoring the status of KPI achievement and other sustainability-related measures. The Group's activities are published with reference to the GRI Standards.