Initiatives for ESG Management
Aiming to enhance its medium- and long-term corporate value, the Shindengen Group will continue reinforcing its promotion of the 16th Medium Term Business Plan and incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) perspectives in management. In coordination with the 16th Medium Term Business Plan, we will work on our four ESG material issues to contribute to the SDGs and help solve environmental and social issues, thereby creating sustainable corporate value. Based on its ESG management concept, the Shindengen Group has established KPIs for each of the four ESG material areas and is managing their progress toward achieving the SDGs by 2030.
Initiatives for the SDGs
The Shindengen Group has identified four SDGs materiality targets through a series of dialogues with experts after cross-referencing and reviewing the CSR focus areas and the 169 SDGs targets in sync with the process for identifying the ESG Material Issues. We are contributing to the SDGs by promoting ESG management in sync with the 16th Medium Term Business Plan.
SDGs Materiality Medium-Term Targets and Assessments
Based on ESG management, the Shindengen Group has identified four SDGs materiality targets which it has set targets for and is working on in sync with the 16th Medium Term Business Plan. The Sustainability Committee conducted a three-stage self-assessment on the status of meeting those targets in FY 2023. We will periodically review our SDGs materiality targets.
Initiatives for SDGs Materiality Targets (up to FY 2023)
SDGs Target 7.3
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions when our products are used
In line with its corporate mission, the Shindengen Group provides a wide range of eco-friendly products including electronic devices, power management electronics products, and energy system products. We are maximizing energy conversion efficiency to contribute to energy conservation and promote the reduction of CO2 emissions.
- New product MITUS AC charger for EVs (scheduled for release in Spring 2025)
SDGs Target 13.2
The Shindengen Group’s (Domestic) CO2 Emission Targets and Progress Made
The Shindengen Group is pursuing various measures to achieve carbon neutrality, including the generation and purchase of electricity derived from renewable energy sources.
- Shindengen India solar power generation system
SDGs Target 8.8
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s Occupational Accidents and Commuting Accidents Over the Past Five Years
The Shindengen Group is promoting the creation of a safe and secure working environment for its employees. We provide education and training bringing together local police and our employees with the aim of eliminating occupational and commuting accidents.
- National Traffic Safety Campaign
SDGs Target 11.b
Status of implementation Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s education and training on business continuity
The Shindengen Group regards risk management and supply chain management after large-scale disasters and other incidents as one of its social responsibilities within the context of its business activities, and conducts education and training based on incident simulations.
- Disaster prevention training at the Asaka Office