In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), we have established a human rights due diligence process to ensure that we respect the human rights of all stakeholders affected by our business activities.
Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy
In May 2019, the Shindengen Group established the Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy, which constitutes the basic policy for all documents and norms regarding the Shindengen Group's efforts to respect human rights in its business activities. The Policy clearly states that all officers and employees of the Shindengen Group are required to respect human rights and to not tolerate slavery, forced labor, or child labor, including any form of human trafficking. The Policy also requires respect for human rights throughout the supply chain.
Initiative for preventing Slave Labor and Human Trafficking
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing has updated its statement in September 2024 regarding the prevention of slave labor and human trafficking pursuant to the British Modern Slavery Act 2015, Article 54 (1).
Human Rights & Labor and CSR Surveys
As part of our supply chain human rights due diligence, we have been conducting supply chain surveys since FY 2019 that include human rights risks. The results of our human rights & labor survey and our CSR survey for FY 2023 are presented below.
Survey period: July–September2023
Survey items | Scope | Surveys issued | Responses | Average score |
Human Rights & Labor | Group companies, suppliers | 614 | 594 | 93.1% |
Overall CSR | Group companies, suppliers | 614 | 591 | 96.0% |
*We created these surveys with reference to the JEITA “Responsible Business Conduct Guidelines Self-Assessment Sheets.
The Shindengen Group also conducts annual risk assessments and no violations of the Human Rights Policy were identified in the FY 2023 Shindengen Group Human Rights Risk Assessment.
Impact assessment
The Group has organized and mapped human rights issues at risk of having a negative impact due to our business activities in terms of “seriousness” and “likelihood of occurrence.” We consider “priority areas” to be human rights risks that should be addressed on a priority basis, and we subsequently identify and assess their impact on human rights.
Survey result feedback & risk identification
We requested feedback on the survey results and improvements from our business partners who participated in the FY 2023 surveys. In the future, we will analyze the survey results in greater detail and then use the human rights risk map to identify risks and implement measures to avoid or mitigate them.
As a means of preventing human rights risks, the Group conducts specialized training related to human rights including harassment and diversity training.
Key indicators for human capital management | FY 2023 target | FY 2023 result | FY 2024 target |
Participation rate in human rights-related training | ー | 99% | 100% |
We disclose the status of our human rights due diligence activities and provide updates to the “Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement” pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act on our website and in our Sustainability Report. We will continue to engage in dialogue with experts and stakeholders to refine our human rights due diligence efforts in order to mitigate negative impacts on the human rights of all stakeholders.