Labor Union Relations
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing and its domestic Group companies actively ensure there are forums available for discussion between Labor Unions, Shindengen employees and Management. Shindengen Electric Manufacturing has signed a collective agreement with the Labor Union to guarantee the rights of all members. We constantly strive to maintain mutual understanding between employees and management by regularly convening labor-management meetings to discuss various working conditions and management issues such as living wage assurance.
Employee Consultation
The Shindengen Group (domestic) has established a consultation counter where employees and their families can receive specialist counselor advice for daily anxiety, stress, and other troubles. Mental health education workshops are also provided to all employees.
Zero Tolerance for Sexual and Power Harassment
The Shindengen Group has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and/or power harassment. The Shindengen Group Action Guidelines have been put in place to effectively manage any instances of such harassment.
To prevent disturbances to workplace order, obstacles to work duties, and the loss of precious human resources, we invite speakers from outside to implement harassment training for all employees. The aim of this training is to teach employees that anyone can be a victim or a perpetrator, give them an understanding of harassment, and impart the communication tools needed to prevent it.
Human Rights Awareness Initiatives
In terms of human rights, the Shindengen Group engages in raising awareness through CSR training courses including specialized training on human rights. In addition to introducing CSR case studies including employment, tax payments, and social contribution, this training promotes respect for ILO core labor standards and consideration for LGBT individuals and other minorities. We strive to continuously share details about human rights issues using information dissemination tools, such as our intranet and company newsletters.
- CSR Education