Change in Scope of Application of the Environmental Management System
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s Asaka Office opened in April 2021. We consolidated the R&D,business operation, and head office functions in the Asaka Office and closed the Hanno Factory, therebyrevising the scope of application of the environmental management system. In February 2022, the scope of applications for Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. came to encompass the Asaka Office which now covers head office functions.
As a result, the Shindengen Group's environmental management system, which deploys environmental conservation activities, was reviewed with Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s Asaka Office and major domestic production companies as the scope of application.
Shindengen Indonesia has worked to obtain ISO 14001 certification mainly to raise internal awareness of ESG management and to properly comply with relevant laws and regulations. The company was successfully certified in April 2024 after beginning full-scale efforts in August 2023, developing standardized documents and materials, and ensuring the active involvement of all of its departments.
With the ISO 14001 certification of Shindengen Indonesia, six of Shindengen Group's overseas production bases have now been certified.
Creating a System for Environmental Vision 2050
We reorganized the Energy Conservation Subcommittee, which had been under the Environment Committee, in April 2022 to establish the Decarbonization and Energy Conservation Subcommittee as an organization to promote the Shindengen Group’s Environmental Vision 2050 and FY 2030 environmental targets.The Decarbonization and Energy Conservation Promotion Subcommittee comprises environmentrelated divisions, operating divisions, and Group companies, with Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.'s Corporate Planning Department and Sustainability Promotion Department as secretariat, thereby creating a structure that spans the entire organization from management to the frontline.
Environmental Education
The Shindengen Group provides environmental education combined with elements of social issues in each of its training programs, including general environmental education and new employee education, with the aim of raising environmental awareness among its employees. For new hires, we provide simple explanations of ISO 14001 and the SDGs; provide education on the relationship between our business activities and environmental laws and regulations, our internal rules to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations, and the importance of complying with environmental laws and regulations; and raise awareness about the interconnectedness of the environment and our operations.
Furthermore, we provide employee education on environmental laws and regulations in a systematic manner, believing that the awareness of each employee significantly affects the success of our compliance with these laws.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. began conducting web-based “environment label” training of all its employees from March 2024.
Environmental labels are documents and symbols that inform consumers of environmentally conscious services and products, thus motivating customers to proactively purchase environmentally friendly products.We will continue to consider society’s demands and expectations as they relate to the Shindengen Group, and will continue to provide timely environmental education in response to environmental changes.
Environmental Objectives and Targets
At the Shindengen Group, we set environmental objectives and targets based on our Environmental Policy and have implemented the following initiatives that alleviate environmental problems.
The Shindengen Group Domestic Companies: Environmental Objectives and Targets with Key Results (FY 2023)
Objective | Target | Result |
Promote chemical substance management |
•Ensure the update of chemical product SDS and appropriately manage the amounts of chemical substances in products in response to the implementation of revisions to the Law concerning Pollutant Release and Transfer Register |
The Chemical Substance Management Subcommittee achieved the target by implementing the following items (1) and (2) as planned towards initial reporting under the PRTR system pursuant to the revised Chemical Substances Control Law of July 2024. |
Promoting decarbonization and energy conservation measures |
1. Increase the Group’s consolidated crude oil equivalent energy intensity improvement rate by 2.97% compared to FY 2020 (improvement of 9.97% by end of FY 2030) |
1. Reduced the Group’s consolidated crude oil equivalent energy intensity (weighted average) at the end of FY 2023 by 12.19% reduction compared to FY 2020. |
2. Reduce the Group’s consolidated Scope 1+2 CO2 emissions by 27.1% compared to FY 2013 (46.07% reduction by end of FY 2030) |
2. Reduced the Group’s consolidated Scope 1+2 CO2 emissions at the end of FY 2023 by 37.16% compared to FY 2013. |
3. Reduce the Group’s consolidated Scope 3 CO2 emissions by 5.56% compared to FY 2021 (25.02% reduction by end of FY 2030) |
3. Reduced the Group’s consolidated Scope 3 CO2 emissions at the end of FY 2023 by 29.8% compared to FY 2021. |
•Strengthen compliance through a proper response to environmental information disclosures |
Increase the accuracy of our information disclosures to stakeholders by firmly establishing our CDP* disclosure response tasks and obtaining SBT* |
We integrated CDP disclosure tasks into routine operations. |
Promote proper waste management
•Build operations to replace plastics and create a system to continually suppress plastic use |
Each Shindengen Group company in Japan identified detailed issues involving their reduction of plastic, and set targets, which they largely achieved. |
The Shindengen Group Domestic Companies: Environmental Objectives and Targets (FY 2024)
Objective | Target |
Promote chemical substance management
•Strengthen compliance with chemical substance regulations by sharing information and raising awareness on each company's prevention activities (actual on-site operations) |
Promoting decarbonization and energy conservation measures |
1. Increase the Group’s consolidated crude oil equivalent energy intensity improvement rate by 3.94% compared to FY 2020 (improvement of 9.97% by end of FY 2030) 2. Reduce the Group’s consolidated Scope 1+2 CO2 emissions by 29.81% compared to FY 2013 (46.07% reduction by end of FY 2030)
•Strengthen compliance through a proper response to environmental information disclosures |
Establish an annual data reporting system by integrating CDP disclosure tasks into routine operations and obtaining SBT certification |
Promote proper waste management |
•Build operations to replace plastics and create a system to continually suppress plastic use |