Environmental Accounting

The Shindengen Group has introduced environmental accounting to better promote effective environmental management.It identifies and discloses environmental conservation costs and benefits quantitatively (economic benefits in monetary values and environmental impacts in physical units).
The below figures are calculated or estimated according to our own standards and the Environmental Accounting Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

Environmental Conservation Cost

(Unit: ¥million) 

CategoryltemFY 2021FY 2022
1. Business area cost   41


281 359
Breakdown Pollution prevention cost Prevention of air or water pollution costs 9 179 13 155

Global environmental
conservation cost

Introduction of energy-saving facility costs 31 54 267


Recycling, disposal costs Recycling or disposal of industrial waste costs 1 251 0 140
2. Upstream/downstream cost Cost of green procurement, and cost of analytical instruments 0 46 0 88
3. Administration cost Environmental education fees, certification costs, and internal audit costs 0 264 0 357
4. R&D cost Development of energy-saving and highly efficient products and repid chargeres for EVs 0 234 0 175
5. Social activity costs Participation in local community environmental activities 0 2 0


6. Environmental remediation costs Remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater 0 38 0 175
Total   41 1,067 281 1,155 

Notes: Some numbers are estimates. Totals are subject to rounding differences.

Environmental Conservation Benefit

Economic Benefit associated with environmental conservation activities

(Unit: ¥million) 

Item FY 2021 FY 2022
Revenue Revenues from sale of recycled products 690 860
Expense reduction Energy expense savings from energy conservation (electricity, fuel oil, etc.) 85 41
Disposal cost savings from reduced material usage or recycling 2 5
Other expense savings from environmental improvements 0


Total 778 906

Environmental Conservation Benefit (physical quantities)

ItemUnitFY 2021FY 2022
CO2 emissions t-CO2 76,448 78,425
Electricity consumption GWh 142 145
Fuel oil consumption kℓ 1,742 1,662
Water consumption 1000m3 1,872 1,809
Amount of waste t 206 226
Amount of material recycled t 5,586 5,456

*CO2 emission factors of Japanese electric power:We use the emission factors of electric power company published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
*CO2 emission factors of overseas electric power:We use emission factors of each country announced by the GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative).


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