Initiatives for biodiversity

Initiatives for biodiversity

Recognizing the relationship between biodiversity and business activities, Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is providing employee education at domestic Shindengen Group companies using an in-house developed original DVD and have set up nest boxes at the Hanno Factory in accordance with the eight Aichi targets outlined in the “Guidelines for Action by the Electrical and Electronic Industries concerning Biodiversity Conservation.” In addition, we are working to protect the surrounding plant and animal habitats, such as protecting forests by using FSC-certified paper for documents including corporate brochures and product catalogs, and using Rainforest Alliance-certified coffee at the canteen.
Our overseas Group companies actively participate in afforestation activities held annually by municipalities and local communities. They also endeavor to increase the area of green space and trees planted on their business premises and protect the plant and animal habitats in the areas surrounding their offices.
Shindengen Indonesia participated in a tree-planting activity to reforest the banks of the Cibeet River in an Environment Day event organized by the Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC). A total of 50 people from 15 businesses in the industrial center participated in this event, planting 1,000 mahogany and rubber trees.

  • Tree-planting activity
    (Shindengen Indonesia)

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